Patric Torle
0431-222 90
0431-222 70
Gardentechnics inc - leading provider and manufacturer of agricultural equipment in Scandinavia
Helsingborgsvägen 578
262 96
Web shop » Step by step


When you register at our site, you choose a unique username and password that will be used only for your account. This information will be sent to your mail.

You will need this login information to be able to use special features of our online store that are avilable only for the registered members. In order to access member functions on the web shop, you will need these user information. The validation process is called "Login".

Step-by-step guide "How do I log in?"

1) Click on "Log In" under "Web shop"-menu which is to the left under the Garden Technics AB's main menu.

2) A dialogue window which asks for your username and password will be opened. Write your username and password.

3) Click on Log in button to log in!

4) Now you are in-logged!

If you failed to login:
*) Try again. Maybe you had an extra symbol in your password? It is also important to type capital letters and lower-case letters correctly in your password.
*) if it does not work at all, you can request to have your password sent home to your mail box. Click on "I forgot my password".